Ángeles Parra
Ángeles is the Director of BioCultura, the largest Fair for Ecological Products and Responsible Consumption in Spain, with 36 3 editions in Madrid, 26 in Barcelona, 8 in Valencia, 5 in Bilbao, 3 in Seville and 2 in A Coruña. Angeles is the President of Asociación Vida Sana (created in 1981), declared of Public Utility. She is also the director of the MamaTerra Children’s Ecological Festival, Member of the Permanent Commission of the Municipal Council of the Environment of the Barcelona City Council, Member of various non-governmental organizations, Columnist of The Ecologist Magazine and has written different reports and articles in numerous media in Spain, Europe and Latin America. He has participated in numerous meetings on topics related to organic agriculture, food and consumption, environment, health at the national and international level.